“They don’t like being janitors,” Angelo says. He fastens the Velcro across his chest. “I feel stupid in all this shit.”
“You look stupid, too,” Jimmy says. Friggin’ vest makes his partner look like the Michelin Man. Angelo is slightly built—he went on a crash diet of bananas and milk shakes to make weight for his department entrance physical, and he hasn’t gained a pound since. Thin, like the pencil mustache he thinks makes him look like Billy Dee and doesn’t. Caramel-skinned, sharp-featured, Angelo Carter grew up in the Ninth Ward, as black as black gets.

Подскажите, пожалуйста, что означает кусочек as black as black gets? Как я предполагаю, это означает, что он «настолько чёрный, насколько это возможно», то есть, афроамериканец, но не уверена, что понимаю правильно.